Sandra Shebitz Art
Horizon Collection
I was always inspired by the perfect symmetry exhibited where the sea and sky meet. The draw was not solely a physical appreciation, but a deep emotional response. I have realized, it simultaneously heralds a sense of mystery and adventure, yet for me, being an immigrant, it also evokes a sense of familiarity – of home.
The series “Horizons”, painted with acrylic, attempts to capture this emotional and physical harmony.
acrylic and mixed media on canvas 12x12
acrylic and mixed media on wood panel 12x12
acrylic and mixed media on canvas 16x20
acrylic and mixed media on wood panel 8x8
acrylic and charcoal on canvas 24x36
acrylic on wood panel 12x12
acrylic and mixed media on wood panel 48x60
acrylic on canvas 40x60
acrylic and mixed media on wood panel 12x12
acrylic on wood panel 12x12
acrylic and mixed media on canvas 20x20
acrylic on wood panel 8x10